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Dong-Sheng Zhou; Chen-Zhu Wang; Joop.J.A.van Loon; (2022) Habituation to a deterrent plant alkaloid develops faster in the specialist herbivore Helicoverpa assulta than in its generalist congener Helicoverpa armigera and coincides with taste neuron desensitisationInsects, 13(1) 21.

Dong‐Sheng Zhou; Tao Teng; Jian‐Hui Liu; Jiu‐Mei Long; (2021) Cross‐habituation to deterrents correlates with desensitisation of the corresponding deterrent neuron in the larva of the black cutworm, Agrotis ipsilon Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 169(11): 1039-1048.

Dongsheng Zhou*, Jimei Long, Jianhui Liu, Tao Teng.2018Behavioral and electrophysiological responses to caffeine of Helicoverpa armigera larvae and H. assulta larvae. Agricultural Biotechnology. (7) 5:127-130

Zhou DS, van Loon JJA , Wang CZ. (2010) Experience-based behavioral and chemosensory changes in the generalist insect herbivore Helicoverpa armigera exposed to two deterrent plant chemicals. Journal of Comparative Physiology A.196:791-799.

Zhou DS, Wang CZ, van Loon JJA. (2009) Chemosensory basis of behavioural plasticity in response to deterrent plant chemicals in the larva of the Small Cabbage White butterfly Pieris rapae. Journal of Insect Physiology. 55: 788-792.

龙九妹,滕涛,刘健晖,周东升*.甘蓝饲养小菜粉蝶幼虫对两种寄主植物叶片的行为及电生理反应. 南方农业学报.2017(48)7:1225-1231.





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